Short Bio (55 words)
Chris Blanchard provides consulting and education for farming, food, and business through Purple Pitchfork, and hosts the Farmer to Farmer Podcast. As the owner and operator of Rock Spring Farm for fifteen years, Chris raised twenty acres of organic fresh produce in Northeast Iowa after spending ten years working in other farming and research operations
Long Bio (133 words)
Chris Blanchard provides consulting and education for farming, food, and business through Purple Pitchfork. As the owner and operator of Rock Spring Farm since 1999, Chris raised twenty acres of vegetables, herbs, and greenhouse crops, marketed through a 200-member year-round CSA, food stores, and farmers markets. Prior to 1999, Chris managed student farms, worked as an intern, packing house manager, plant breeding assistant, and farm manager, and provided consulting for a major organic processor, in California, Wisconsin, Maine, and Washington state. His workshops, writing, and consulting throughout the country about farm business concepts, food safety, organic vegetable production, and scaling-up have gained a reputation for fresh approaches, down-to-earth information, and honesty. He is the host and producer of the Farmer to Farmer Podcast, an internet radio show for organic and sustainable market farmers.