Thursday, April 19, 2012
Prairie Du Chein, Wisconsin
Event Link: 2012 Sharing Spaces Kitchen Entrepreneur Workshops
Organized By: Sharing Spaces Kitchen
Chris' Presentations:
Ten Simple Steps to Food Safety - As the demand for local and organic food has exploded in the last five years, so has the expectation on the part of consumers and institutional buyers for production and handling systems designed to minimize microbial contamination. Rock Spring Farm’s Chris Blanchard guides you through ten simple steps you can take to put you and your farm on the way to safe food production.
Practical GAPs Implementation for Organic Farmers - From restaurants to college dining halls, wholesale buyers have begun demanding food safety assurances, and now the Food Safety Modernization Act has opened the door for FDA regulation of the production and handling of fresh vegetables and produce. Join Rock Spring Farm’s Chris Blanchard for a review of post-harvest handling practices, and the methods developed at Rock Spring Farm for meeting the documentation and record-keeping requirements of the GAPs audit process in a way that flows with the work on the farm, rather than existing as a separate set of tasks and requirements.
Prairie Du Chein, Wisconsin
Event Link: 2012 Sharing Spaces Kitchen Entrepreneur Workshops
Organized By: Sharing Spaces Kitchen
Chris' Presentations:
Ten Simple Steps to Food Safety - As the demand for local and organic food has exploded in the last five years, so has the expectation on the part of consumers and institutional buyers for production and handling systems designed to minimize microbial contamination. Rock Spring Farm’s Chris Blanchard guides you through ten simple steps you can take to put you and your farm on the way to safe food production.
Practical GAPs Implementation for Organic Farmers - From restaurants to college dining halls, wholesale buyers have begun demanding food safety assurances, and now the Food Safety Modernization Act has opened the door for FDA regulation of the production and handling of fresh vegetables and produce. Join Rock Spring Farm’s Chris Blanchard for a review of post-harvest handling practices, and the methods developed at Rock Spring Farm for meeting the documentation and record-keeping requirements of the GAPs audit process in a way that flows with the work on the farm, rather than existing as a separate set of tasks and requirements.