Wednesday, November 12 - Friday, 14, 2014 Halifax, Nova Scotia Event Links: Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network (ACORN) Annual Conference Organizer By: Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network (ACORN) ACORN’s conference is a fun, three-day event that brings together organic and sustainable farmers, processors and businesses from across the region—and beyond! Chris' Presentations: Panel: Pricing Wednesday, November 12, 1:20 PM This panel featuring Michelle Summer Fike, Chris Blanchard and regional farmers participating in ACORN's Organic Price Tracker initiative, will delve into some tough questions about pricing your organic products, from considerations about direct sales at the Farmers' Market, through your CSA or Farm Stand, or selling to retailers, restaurants or caterers, this workshop will discuss it all, with an interactive panel approach to generate discussion and hear ideas from participants. Systems for Accountability and Efficiency for Direct Marketers Wednesday, November 12, 3:40 PM Whether you manage one seasonal worker or a large year-round crew, good management can make the difference between making headway on your farm's work, or just creating headaches. Consultant and veteran farmer Chris Blanchard has worked throughout the Midwest to develop systems that make it easy to achieve reliable results throughout your operation. Ten Things to Think About When Getting Started in Market Farming Thursday, November 13, 9:00 AM Getting started in market farming means more than just growing vegetables. It means taking on the responsibilities of owning a business, managing markets, grappling with philosophies, and managing a labor force. Join Flying Rutabaga Works' Chris Blanchard for a look at ten things to think about as you prepare the ground for starting your market farm, or as you seek to expand your market farm into a significant income-generator for yourself and your family. Fresh Culinary Herb Production on the Organic Farm Thursday, November 13, 1:00 PM Fresh-cut herbs can provide an attractive addition to the farmers market, CSA, or wholesale market farm, but they have unique requirements for production, post-harvest handling, and marketing. Join Chris Blanchard for this overview of propagation, field production, harvest strategies and techniques, and marketing. |