I'm never sure who's crazier, those of us who feel surprise and outrage over news like this, or the nozzleheads who continue to profit off of it.
Not only does Atrazine appear to cause cancer, its presence in ground water appears to cause irregular menstrual periods, altered hormone levels, delayed puberty, and pregnancy loss. All of this based on studies of municipal tapwater in Illinois, so we're not talking about a few rural wells. We're talking about the water used by a huge part of the population in the Midwestern corn belt.
You can read the article in Scientific American here: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=atrazine-water-tied-hormonal-irregularities
Not only does Atrazine appear to cause cancer, its presence in ground water appears to cause irregular menstrual periods, altered hormone levels, delayed puberty, and pregnancy loss. All of this based on studies of municipal tapwater in Illinois, so we're not talking about a few rural wells. We're talking about the water used by a huge part of the population in the Midwestern corn belt.
You can read the article in Scientific American here: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=atrazine-water-tied-hormonal-irregularities