At the Thanksgiving table last Thursday, the conversation turned to golf. My partner and my dad’s both play golf, and both tried to convince us that we should go along when the grass greens up in the spring. We both insisted that we have gone along for golfing, but they were both pretty adamant that mini-golf doesn’t count. Okay, fine, we said, we’ll come along and drive the cart with the beer cooler. Nope, they said. You should play. You’ll enjoy it!
Dad and I are both pretty clear that we would find it pretty frustrating, and would probably lose our tempers. At least a little bit.
My partner said that she gets frustrated, too. “You know, sometimes you have the game of your life, and the next time you go out and act like you’ve never held a club in your life.”
We all laughed, but I took out my Universal Information Capture Device (the note cards and pen that I carry in my shirt pocket) and made a note, which made everybody laugh.
I wrote it down because that’s the difference between an amateur and a professional. Professionals get consistently positive results. They don’t win all the time, and they may have an occasional off game (or season), but they consistently get it more right than not.
Consistency. And consistent improvement. Let’s go there.
(Just don’t make me do it while I’m holding a golf club.)
Dad and I are both pretty clear that we would find it pretty frustrating, and would probably lose our tempers. At least a little bit.
My partner said that she gets frustrated, too. “You know, sometimes you have the game of your life, and the next time you go out and act like you’ve never held a club in your life.”
We all laughed, but I took out my Universal Information Capture Device (the note cards and pen that I carry in my shirt pocket) and made a note, which made everybody laugh.
I wrote it down because that’s the difference between an amateur and a professional. Professionals get consistently positive results. They don’t win all the time, and they may have an occasional off game (or season), but they consistently get it more right than not.
Consistency. And consistent improvement. Let’s go there.
(Just don’t make me do it while I’m holding a golf club.)
Why I’m Not Talking about the FSMA Produce Rule (Yet)
I’m not talking about the FSMA Produce Rule, which was recently released, because even the experts and people who have been immersed in it for the last several years are still parsing it out. Expect more information as we know more, including a podcast planned for release next week with Sophia Kruszewski from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition about what we know at this time.
In the meantime, NSAC is posting rule interpretations here
Please keep in mind that, for most of the regulations, farms will have between two and four years to come into compliance. And I’ll be doing my best to help you make the new rules work for you and for your farm.
In the meantime, NSAC is posting rule interpretations here
Please keep in mind that, for most of the regulations, farms will have between two and four years to come into compliance. And I’ll be doing my best to help you make the new rules work for you and for your farm.